A design system results in time and cost savings.

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Design System: now makes the design process more efficient

Digital designers were once the individuals who meticulously pieced together and sketched out each page. When new developments arose, they had to rearrange entire pages. By implementing a Design System, this is no longer necessary. A Design System is a collection of elements organized in folders and created using fixed patterns and guidelines, designed to streamline the design process for digital products such as websites, apps, and computer programs. They consist of a set of reusable instructions for a computer, called components, and are used across multiple fields.


Within a Design System, in addition to components, the colors, fonts, and other stylistic elements to be used can also be defined. A component consists of a computer instruction that occurs regularly, such as a button on a website. Instead of repeatedly programming such a button, it is turned into a component. Calling upon the component displays the button on the computer screen. A component itself may also be composed of several sub-components. A component is universal and can be used throughout the entire digital product. Combining multiple components creates a digital product.


Projects are no longer executed by a single designer but by a specialized team that ensures consistency and quality assurance in their work. This unified approach prevents fragmentation of tasks, resulting in a robust and consistent design that is also easier and more cost-effective to adapt and can evolve with all existing and future media.

"We have a corporate identity manual"

In the past, every organization had a corporate identity manual that served as a guideline. It contained the placement of the logo, brand colors, and fonts. Nicely printed, tucked away at the bottom of a drawer, or buried deep within the total chaos of folders on the intranet. Meanwhile, every communication employee, intern, and manager was using their own version of the (design) truth in external communications. Not to mention the incoherent internal collaboration between design and development teams due to fragmented design standards. However, what is needed is a single guideline that is always accessible to everyone. This guideline is at the heart of every digital and communication output of the organization. It is used for building digital platforms and digital communication.

Discover cases

Design System as a foundation for a strong brand

Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Airbnb, Lonely Planet, Salesforce - these are all companies that have successfully integrated Design Systems into their operations. For instance, IBM has the Carbon Design System, which provides about 130 development teams with standardized building blocks for IBM applications at their fingertips. This represents a significant time-saving for IBM's product team: no repetitive briefings, no need to repeatedly provide branding elements, much less oversight and adjustment for critical brand identity details such as typography, imagery, user experience, and overall appearance.


Some advantages of a Design System include:


  • Consistancy
  • Improved workflow for both internal and external front-enders and developers
  • No repetitive briefings on colors, typography, and design


Set up the Design System

Curious about how Snakeware can help your organization achieve better designs with time savings and consistency through a Design System? We can work together to create and deliver the Design System following Brad Frost's Atomic Design methodology. We also offer training on setting up the Design System


Interested in exploring how Snakeware can enhance your company's design? Feel free to reach out to us without any obligation!